The Oldest Science
Traditional astrology has roots that stretch back thousands of years, and has been used by people of all walks of life to gain insight into issues ranging from the most mundane personal problems to the fates of nations. Far from holding the fringe position in society that it does today, the traditional astrology of the past was held in highest esteem by some of the brightest minds of history. Isaac Newton, Galileo, Carl Jung, to name only a few. No fools, these…
Astrology offers the inhabitants of the modern world a glimpse of the grand order that lies behind the world that we experience in our daily lives. Far from being random and meaningless, astrology reveals an underlying unity between our small selves and the grand scheme of the cosmos. It also offers us a means to analyze situations in our personal lives with incisive insight. What can traditional astrology do for you…?
About Me
I have been a student of astrology for over a decade. I hold a diploma from the School of Traditional Astrology in Horary Astrology. I also hold a Masters of Science degree in Geology and a Bachelor of Science degree in Earth and Planetary Science. I have worked as an educator for a decade, and have much experience working with people and their unique circumstances.